Annual "EDI Awards" are named in honor of Eduard (Edi) Scholdan. Edi was a PSA (PSGA) president from 1950 to 1954. He and his 13-year-old son were among those killed in the crash of Sabena Flight 548, which was carrying the entire U.S. Figure Skating team to the 1961 World Championships. Edi Scholdan was inducted into the PSA Coaches Hall of Fame in its inaugural year of 2001.
The Rinks and Great Park Ice & FivePoint Arena are honored to be home to recipients of SEVEN 2023 PSA Edi Awards.
Coach of the Year
Presented to a coach who has made a significant impact on an athlete's performance and has distinguished themselves through years of successful teaching culminating in a special career achievement during the past year.
Todd Sand, Jenni Meno-Sand, Christine Fowler Binder & Chris Knierim
Developmental Coach of the Year
In recognition of new talent and superior teaching technique for a coach who has a career record of helping athletes develop to higher levels of the sport and as human beings. A nominee for developmental coach must never have had a national champion and should be recognized for their work with skaters below the senior level.
The Pottenger Academy - Chris Pottenger, Anthony Evans, Caroline Zhang, Alan Medina, Tiffany Chin and Russ Scott

Hall of Fame Inductee
The highest award of recognition by the PSA, the Figure Skating Coaches Hall of Fame recognizes a lifetime of accomplishment in coaching. Through the success of their athletes and/or their profound contribution to the coaching profession these coaches have made a significant impact.” The Candidate must have produced the majority of their work in the United States. They must be a member of the Professional Skaters Association now or in the past and may be living or dead.
Todd Sand & Jenni Meno-Sand
Best Performance Award - Pairs
One winner is chosen from each category in men’s, ladies, pairs, dance, and synchronized skating. Selection will be based on performance, not placement and will not necessarily reflect the best technical skater. Elements considered include artistry, charisma/appeal, balance, originality, drama/emotion, music, costuming, humor, showmanship, quality, theme, and technical ability.
Alexa Knierim & Brandon Frazier - Freeskate at 2023 US National Championship

Betty Berens Award
Established in memory of Betty Berens who gave unselfishly of her time and talent both on the ice and off. It is presented to a coach who has overcome adversity-physical or emotional-who has continued in dedication and perseverance to serve their profession with dignity and fortitude.
Todd Sand & Jenni Meno-Sand
Presidential Award of Excellence
The award recognizes exceptional grassroots coaches, in all disciplines, for their positive contributions to the sport of figure skating. One coach from each of the 9 USFS Regions is selected to receive this prestigious award. All nominees must be a PSA Member and have had one or more skaters competing at the Basic Skills – Novice levels, in any discipline. This includes non-qualifying and regional events, both US Figure Skating and ISI. This encompasses all disciplines including Freeskate, MIF, Dance, Pairs, Synchro, Choreographers, TOI, Figures, and Basic Skills.
Anna Baram, Southwest Pacific Region
Joe Serafine Volunteer of the Year Award
Recognized for outstanding service to the PSA over the past year.
Alex Chang