May 2-4, 2025 at The Rinks - Lakewood ICE
Tournament Details
- Team Cost: $1500 PER TEAM (Total team entry $2000- CAHA to subsidize $500 per team)
- Registration Deadline: April 18th
- ELITE-GOLD: Highest level of players accepted. Teams may be comprised of players with professional (all levels and European). NCAA college (Div. I and III). Major Junior or Junior A playing experience.
- SILVER-OPEN/INTERMEDIATE: Team is comprised primarily of experienced recreational level players. with the remainder of the team having Varsity or JV High School. Competitive Midget or Junior C experience players. No Junior A. Professional or College Division I players allowed.
- BRONZE: Team is comprised of newer players and beginners who have outgrown the Tin skill level. This division may be split in upper/lower.
- TIN: Team is comprised newer players who have outgrown the Rookie skill level. This division may be split into upper/lower
- ROOKIE: Team is comprised of true beginners who have just taken up hockey. This player has limited ice & roller experience. Absolutely no upper-level players .
- 40 & OLDER: Open to players of all skill levels who are at least 40 years old.
- 50 & OLDER: Open to players of all skill levels who are at least 50 years old.
- WOMEN’S’ OPEN: Team is comprised primarily of experienced recreational and upper-level players.
- WOMEN’S ROOKIE: Team is comprised of true beginners who have just taken up hockey. This player has limited ice & roller experience.
*** CAHA Vice President and Tournament Directors has discretion to move teams or combine divisions as needed. ***
- Three games guaranteed-top two teams advance to championship
- Games begin Friday morning
- Participation gift for all players
- Championship Gifts
- Teams consist of 13-players and one goalie
- All teams and players must check-in prior to each game
- USA Hockey Rules
- 4-minute warm-up
- Three 14-minute Stop-time periods.
- One 30-second timeout per game
- Round Robin format
- Running time anytime 7+ goal differential in the third period
- Tie games will be determined by a 5-min 3 on 3 over-time period (NHL style)
- Followed by a one player sudden death shootout if needed until a winner is determined
- No checking
- NO FIGHTING - ZERO TOLERANCE - Players will be ejected from tournament play
- Regulation Win = 3pts; OT Win = 2pts; OT loss = 1pts
- Head-to-Head
- Goal differential (Max 6 +/- per game)
- Fewest penalty minutes
- Fastest goal scored in first game of tourney
- Coin Flip
- Schedule, statistics and standings posted on rink website
- All players must have current USA Hockey membership.
- Each team may a maximum of three players who live outside of California.
- Players may play on only one team in the tournament.
- The Tournament Director may make exceptions as needed.
- Each team must have matching uniforms.
- Captains needs to provide a roster for review at least ten days prior to the tournament.
Frequently Asked Questions
Registration is OPEN NOW! You can register by following the link at the top of this page or by clicking here.
The deadline to register is Thursday, April 25th
Yes, all players must wear matching jerseys/matching jersey colors to participate in the tournament.
Yes, all players must have a current 2023-2024 USA Hockey membership.
If you need to check of the status of your membership, or if you need to purchase a new membership, you can do so here.
No, participants may only be registered to play on one team for this tournament
Tournament Directors
Vince Valles,
The Tournament Director has the final say on which division each team will play. The Tournament Director may split the divisions as needed. The Tournament Director has the right to make any decisions regarding tournament rules, format for the overall good of the event.